Tuesday 10 September 2024


Loving our body

Our society loves a young body and anyone over forty is well past their use-by date, according to the media. Women are particularly judged in this unrealistic and harsh manner. Therefore, with this negative press, it will take a big effort on our part to love our body. If we have always felt that we are not good enough, then being older will challenge us more.

Our body is our sacred temple. Without it, nothing can happen on this earthly plane. We need our body to perform countless activities and every day, we should thank it.

The message we receive through the media, other people, and the movie industry is that our worth is tied to how we look. The more beautiful we are in society’s eyes, the more lovable we are.

Most people dislike certain areas of their physical self. This is a sad and prevalent view held by many. Everyone has issues with their looks, even the super models. This is self-loathing at work. Our body mirrors the journey it has taken. It is supposed to age and change with time. Bearing children will also change it.

When I began loving my body, I felt daunted. Instead of loving how I looked, I felt very much the opposite. In my earlier life, I had been compared unfavorably to my prettier sister. Unfortunately, this made me feel ugly at ten! Our earlier programming impacts so much on our self-image.

Learning to love our body will take time and effort. The unflattering comments have to go. We have to rewrite our history.

Every day, try to find something beautiful in your physical being and tell yourself how great your skin is or what lovely hair you have. We need to replace the old words with new ones. I did this and once I had placed positive thoughts into my mind, I started the harder work. The harder work is learning to love the parts of us that we struggle with. Slowly, I fell in love with my wobbly tummy and my freckles. Gradually, I gave these areas love and acceptance.

Loving our body is reflected in how we take care of ourselves. Eating well, and getting enough exercise and sleep is self-love. Lessening our reliance on addictive foods, drinks, and drugs brings us to a place of loving ourselves. When we are trashing our temple, we are not showing and giving love to our body. We have to pamper that body. Dress it in beautiful garments, oil and perfume it, and treat it with care.

Loving our body is self-nurturing; it is self-love.

Once I had worked on my body issues, I felt a greater sense of personal power. I decided that I would strive to love all the parts of me and nourish myself in the process. I stopped saying dreadful things about how I looked and did not allow any negative thinking to come in. I focused on only having loving thoughts.

Love your body unconditionally. Remember that when we love our body completely, we increase our store of love and acceptance.

Seek to find your peace with the body you have been given. Love and cherish it and in doing so, heal yourself.

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